How green is Igreenu?

We all love a green scenery and feel better when we have plants around. Part of the truth is though, that the trend towards ever more exotic plants in our homes is costing the planet more than we pay at purchase. Cultivation and transportation are often anything but socially responsible and come at a way higher price than we realize when the beautiful monstera moves into our European living room.

We believe: Igreenu can make a contribution to change this


It is important to us to advise you on the sustainability aspects of your Igreenu project. We prefer and recommend using local and/or organic plants.

Wherever possible, we will refrain from using packaging materials and reuse those that cannot be avoided.


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Indoor plants are living creatures, no throwaway products

  • All plants that find a new home in your rooms as part of an Igreenu project will be carefully selected and pre-treated against pests without chemicals.
  • We will make sure to use peat-free organic soils and choose the ideal place for your new green friends so they can thrive in your rooms.
  • We will also provide you with detailed care information and are there to help you if a plant doesn't feel well.

We are on a mission to make sure your Igreenu plants are optimally cared for and will bring you joy for a maximum period of time. For a happy heart, a happy wallet, and a happy planet.

Giving Back

At the end of each business year, we will donate 5% of our profits to an ecological sustainability project